High quality garden products

by Humphry @ 5:27 pm May 5, 2009 -- Filed under: garden design   

high_quality_garden_products1Welcome to the CrinkleCrankle Blog!

We plan to review garden products and tell you what’s hot and what’s not. The aim is to help you find high-quality products: tools, furniture, tubs, lighting, fountains, construction materials – everything to do with the garden.

  • If you are a buyer, please tell us what you like and what you want.
  • If you are a supplier, please tell us about your oldest, newest and best products.

Some products have stood the test of time: the primitive ard in the Egyptian painting, above, was invented about 4,500 years ago and is still used in some parts of the world; the girl’s white dress is still beautiful; the date palm is still the most widely planted tree in West Asia. But new garden products are being launched all the time and we look forward to hearing about them and passing information to our readers and helping them to make good gardens.

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