Stainless steel garden uplighter

by Humphry @ 5:41 pm July 20, 2009 -- Filed under: outdoor lighting   

garden_uplighter_lightingUplighting works in gardens. If well angled, the light does not shine in your eyes. It gives an uplifting view of the leaves and it casts surprising shadows on the wall. And with a white wall, what else but stainless steel could one use to make the light fitting?

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Garden Buddha statue

by Humphry @ 5:43 pm July 14, 2009 -- Filed under: sculpture and statues   

garden_buddha_statueThis is not the nicest Buddha we have ever seen. But Buddhism is the great garden religion and no historical figure is more deserving of a place in gardens. The Buddha was born in a garden. Then he lived in a garden. Then he spent his life teaching in parks and gardens. He spent most monsoon seasons in gardens. Then the Buddha died in a garden. Buddhism is the religion of peace.

Om mane padhme hum. ‘Hail oh jewel in the flower of the lotus’.

Download photograph of garden Buddha.